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About Us

“Gravita’s” business includes every aspect of commercial, state and social architecture. It offers clients the full service of projecting, designing and constructing office, housing and infrastructural projects.


The thing that sets “Gravita” apart are speed of construction, guaranteed quality, modern design and safety of labor. 


“Gravita” is a company capable of providing high-quality, reliable, safe and modern solutions to a construction problem of any scale.


About Gravita



In 2006, “Gravita” team, which then was an in-house construction agency of "Tegeta Motors", carried out several important infrastructure projects such as "Tegeta Motors" headquarters and nearby service center in Tbilisi.


In 2013 “Gravita” became an independent company and worked on projects of a bigger scale: showrooms for Toyota, Volvo and Porsche in Tbilisi, "Tegeta Motors' office in Batumi, several kindergartens in Svaneti, “Sairme” resort and etc.


Apart from the local projects, the company has also worked on international ones, such as "Tegeta Motors" center in Armenia.


“Gravita” is a company capable of providing high-quality, reliable, safe and modern solutions to a construction problem of any scale.



Fields of business


"Gravita" offers a full range of services for the construction, architecture and design of facilities for both legal entities and individuals. The company's offer includes the following services:


  • Architectural part
  • Construction part
  • Construction
  • Interior design
